The Goderich BIA was formed in 1977. We have made it our mission to promote, beautify, and sustain the unique Courthouse Square and the eight radial side streets around it. This collection of streets make up the Downtown Goderich Business Improvement Area.


Promotion of the downtown core is an integral part of the BIA mandate, making it a priority for strategic direction. Events on the Square, such as the Farmers’ Market and the Summer Evening Concerts are important to continue, as they promote activities in the downtown core and draw in both locals and tourists to explore the area.


The BIA intends to continue with its existing beautification efforts in the downtown core. Existing projects include the newly installed self-watering planters on the square (2019), the memorial bench project (began in 2018), and seasonal décor. The BIA would like to continue to focus on creating attractive streetscapes in the downtown core; creating a comfortable atmosphere and welcoming space; inspiring visitors to “linger longer”. Signage was also deemed a priority.


Partnerships and relationships with external organizations are essential for the BIA to thrive. The Goderich BIA needs to establish or build on their existing relationships with the following organizations; Town of Goderich and County of Huron Economic Development Committees, Digital Main Street, SBEC (Small Business Enterprise Centre), various border town organizations (other BIAs or municipal organizations), the members of the BIA, and local organizations like Green Goderich. Building and maintaining relationships with these entities will provide the BIA with support and potential partners for events run in the downtown core. It would also allow for valuable resource sharing that would be mutually beneficial to all organizations involved. In conjunction with this relationship management, the BIA intends to hand off the coordination of ICEtacular to another entity, and instead act as a partner.